Thursday, December 22, 2016

Two Things You Didn't Know About Holiday Plants

Did you know? The holidays are steeped in legends around plants. Here are the legends around two of our favorites: The Poinsettia and The Christmas Tree.
1. The Poinsettia
The poinsettia is one of the most purchased potted flowers in America.

Legend has it that the Aztecs would use pigment from the bracts (leaves/petals of the plant) as dye and the sap as a fever reducer. The poinsettia was first introduced to the U.S. By Joel Poinsett, a botanist and American ambassador to Mexico.

To learn more about the legend and history of the poinsettia, watch the below video featuring Monty Holmes, horticulturist for the Smithsonian Gardens.
2. The Christmas Tree or Evergreen Fir Tree
The Christmas Tree or evergreen fir tree has traditionally been used to celebrate winter festivals (pagan and Christian) for thousands of years.

Early Christmas trees were hung upside down from chandeliers.

The first use of a tree at Christmas is argued between Tallin, Estonia in 1441 and Riga, Latvia in 1510. In both cases, the tree was put up by the Brotherhood of Blackheads, an association of unmarried merchants and ship owners.
Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year from the entire Vivid Lawn Community!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

5 Steps To Prepare For Snow!

Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? So are we! That’s why we’d like to introduce you to our Ice Melt Bucket Program to prepare your property for ice.

When snow comes, your sidewalks and driveways freeze. Sign up for the Ice Melt Bucket Program, and we’ll deliver a 5-gallon bucket of professional grade calcium chloride (Ice Melt) for just $34.99.

What else can you do to prepare for a white Christmas?
1.              Equipment - Ensure that your equipment is ready! Stock up on fuel and ensure that your snow removal equipment and generator are working properly.
2.              Plowing Your Driveway – Regardless of whether you DIY plow or hire a team, ensure that your plow blade is lifted high enough so that it doesn’t scrape against the asphalt
3.              Get shoveling – If plows and snow blowers aren’t in your garage… or your pocket book, pull out the shovel. When tackling a particularly large amount of snow, it’s easier to scoop many, small amounts of snow, rather than heft large loads all at once. 
4.              Gutters - Double check that your gutters aren’t draining directly onto your driveway.

Stocking up on Ice Melt?

Interested in stocking up on ice melt, just give us a call and we’ll deliver a 5-gallon bucket of calcium chloride for just $34.99. Give us a call at: 610-524-5520.

Friday, December 2, 2016

What Are Soils?

Soil isn’t dirt. Dirt is displaced soil, while soil is a living, diverse ecosystem.

Soil also means a lot of different things for different people. A construction worker, landscaper and archeologist all view soil differently.

Watch the video below to learn more about “What is Soil?”. Or, read more about soils in our article below.

What are soils made from?

Soils are made from a mixture of minerals, organic matter and water. Minerals refer to the type of soil. For example, sand, clay and silt are all minerals that are found in soil. Organic matter refers to anything that was once-living, that has been broken down by worms and microorganisms.

Soil is formed through the process of weathering. Weathering can happen in three key ways: physical breakdown, water movement and changes in temperature.

Everything comes back to the soil!

From food and clothes, to the fuels that power our vehicles and cities, everything comes back to the soil.

However, soils are not a renewable resource; it could take several lifetimes to generate new soil. We have to take care of the soil we have now, and protect it for future generations. Perhaps Franklin Delano Roosevelt said it best when he stated, “The nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself.”

Want to get involved? Ready to take a stand for soil?

Check out this wiki page on saving soils and learn 12 easy things you can do to protect our soils.