Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Plant Life Cycle

What’s the Life Cycle of Your Plants???

The life cycle of a plant can seem simple, but depending on your plant’s life cycle it may require different key inputs to nurture healthy growth.

Watch the video below to see a time lapse of plants growing from seedlings to maturity. If you are reading this blog via email, click on the link below to view.

Seed, Germination and Fostering Early Growth

The plant begins as a seed and germinates when healthy soil, water, nutrients and ample sunlight are in supply.

As the plant grows, roots anchor the growing plant and stems support the plant, pushing it towards the light.

When laying down seed, providing an appropriate starter fertilizer, with a focus in potassium and phosphorus, stimulates germination and healthy root growth. As the plant grows, having a well-balanced fertilizer with appropriate nutrients will foster healthy stem and root growth.

Boost soil biology levels by adding a compost, compost tea or other organic solutions to support the soil ecosystem to nurture and defend the plant while it’s young and vulnerable.
Maturity and Flowering

As the plant matures, photosynthesis occurs, helping the plant make its own food. Flowering also occurs, helping the plants spread seeds.

Using a well-balanced fertilizer supports mature plants. When looking at fertilizers consider that phosphorus is a key nutrient to promote flowering. Further, supplying a compost, compost tea or other organic solution will promote strong, healthy plants that can better overcome stress from weather, disease and insects.

Want to Learn More?
Want to learn more about the plant lifecycle, check out this video from Discovery Education:

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