Thursday, December 22, 2016

Two Things You Didn't Know About Holiday Plants

Did you know? The holidays are steeped in legends around plants. Here are the legends around two of our favorites: The Poinsettia and The Christmas Tree.
1. The Poinsettia
The poinsettia is one of the most purchased potted flowers in America.

Legend has it that the Aztecs would use pigment from the bracts (leaves/petals of the plant) as dye and the sap as a fever reducer. The poinsettia was first introduced to the U.S. By Joel Poinsett, a botanist and American ambassador to Mexico.

To learn more about the legend and history of the poinsettia, watch the below video featuring Monty Holmes, horticulturist for the Smithsonian Gardens.
2. The Christmas Tree or Evergreen Fir Tree
The Christmas Tree or evergreen fir tree has traditionally been used to celebrate winter festivals (pagan and Christian) for thousands of years.

Early Christmas trees were hung upside down from chandeliers.

The first use of a tree at Christmas is argued between Tallin, Estonia in 1441 and Riga, Latvia in 1510. In both cases, the tree was put up by the Brotherhood of Blackheads, an association of unmarried merchants and ship owners.
Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year from the entire Vivid Lawn Community!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

5 Steps To Prepare For Snow!

Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? So are we! That’s why we’d like to introduce you to our Ice Melt Bucket Program to prepare your property for ice.

When snow comes, your sidewalks and driveways freeze. Sign up for the Ice Melt Bucket Program, and we’ll deliver a 5-gallon bucket of professional grade calcium chloride (Ice Melt) for just $34.99.

What else can you do to prepare for a white Christmas?
1.              Equipment - Ensure that your equipment is ready! Stock up on fuel and ensure that your snow removal equipment and generator are working properly.
2.              Plowing Your Driveway – Regardless of whether you DIY plow or hire a team, ensure that your plow blade is lifted high enough so that it doesn’t scrape against the asphalt
3.              Get shoveling – If plows and snow blowers aren’t in your garage… or your pocket book, pull out the shovel. When tackling a particularly large amount of snow, it’s easier to scoop many, small amounts of snow, rather than heft large loads all at once. 
4.              Gutters - Double check that your gutters aren’t draining directly onto your driveway.

Stocking up on Ice Melt?

Interested in stocking up on ice melt, just give us a call and we’ll deliver a 5-gallon bucket of calcium chloride for just $34.99. Give us a call at: 610-524-5520.

Friday, December 2, 2016

What Are Soils?

Soil isn’t dirt. Dirt is displaced soil, while soil is a living, diverse ecosystem.

Soil also means a lot of different things for different people. A construction worker, landscaper and archeologist all view soil differently.

Watch the video below to learn more about “What is Soil?”. Or, read more about soils in our article below.

What are soils made from?

Soils are made from a mixture of minerals, organic matter and water. Minerals refer to the type of soil. For example, sand, clay and silt are all minerals that are found in soil. Organic matter refers to anything that was once-living, that has been broken down by worms and microorganisms.

Soil is formed through the process of weathering. Weathering can happen in three key ways: physical breakdown, water movement and changes in temperature.

Everything comes back to the soil!

From food and clothes, to the fuels that power our vehicles and cities, everything comes back to the soil.

However, soils are not a renewable resource; it could take several lifetimes to generate new soil. We have to take care of the soil we have now, and protect it for future generations. Perhaps Franklin Delano Roosevelt said it best when he stated, “The nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself.”

Want to get involved? Ready to take a stand for soil?

Check out this wiki page on saving soils and learn 12 easy things you can do to protect our soils.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Dormant Aeration

Didn’t have the time or opportunity to commit to aeration and overseeding this fall?

Aeration is the process of removing plugs of soil from the ground, building healthy soil and stimulating the lawn’s root growth. It’s one of the best practices you can do for your lawn, especially if it suffers from compaction issues. When you add overseeding to the mix, you are not only nurturing the lawn you currently have, but are also contributing to turf thickness and removing bare-spots.

Even if you weren’t able to take advantage of fall aeration and overseeding, you can still get a big benefit out of dormant aeration.

Dormant aeration is the practice of aerating your grass during the early-winter when the grass is no longer growing. Just like with fall aeration, dormant aeration influences soil and turf health, and is crucial for heavily compacted backyards. However, dormant aeration can be the perfect service for those backyards that also deal with a lot of trees. When considering dormant aeration, keep in mind that results are seen in the spring.

However, if you wait until the spring to sign up for aeration and overseeding, the look of your turf will be compromised! Because aeration creates holes in the ground, it’s easier for weed seeds to germinate. Also, when overseeding you can’t utilize a pre-emergent herbicide since it will affect your lawn seed’s germination.

Don’t wait until spring to receive the benefits of aeration. Sign up for dormant aeration services to create a healthier lawn this spring.

Looking to take advantage of dormant aeration this winter? Give us a call at: (610) - 524 - 5520.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Plant Life Cycle

What’s the Life Cycle of Your Plants???

The life cycle of a plant can seem simple, but depending on your plant’s life cycle it may require different key inputs to nurture healthy growth.

Watch the video below to see a time lapse of plants growing from seedlings to maturity. If you are reading this blog via email, click on the link below to view.

Seed, Germination and Fostering Early Growth

The plant begins as a seed and germinates when healthy soil, water, nutrients and ample sunlight are in supply.

As the plant grows, roots anchor the growing plant and stems support the plant, pushing it towards the light.

When laying down seed, providing an appropriate starter fertilizer, with a focus in potassium and phosphorus, stimulates germination and healthy root growth. As the plant grows, having a well-balanced fertilizer with appropriate nutrients will foster healthy stem and root growth.

Boost soil biology levels by adding a compost, compost tea or other organic solutions to support the soil ecosystem to nurture and defend the plant while it’s young and vulnerable.
Maturity and Flowering

As the plant matures, photosynthesis occurs, helping the plant make its own food. Flowering also occurs, helping the plants spread seeds.

Using a well-balanced fertilizer supports mature plants. When looking at fertilizers consider that phosphorus is a key nutrient to promote flowering. Further, supplying a compost, compost tea or other organic solution will promote strong, healthy plants that can better overcome stress from weather, disease and insects.

Want to Learn More?
Want to learn more about the plant lifecycle, check out this video from Discovery Education:

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

3 Deadliest Plants!

Halloween is drawing near! Ghouls, vampires and werewolves aren’t the scariest things lurking about this halloween, plants can be equally terrifying and deadly. In honor of Halloween, check out our top 3 favorite deadly plants.

1. White Snake Root (Argeratina Altissima)
Copyright: Ohio State,

Don’t let this herb’s pretty little white flowers lead you astray, White Snake Root is the North American plant responsible for killing Abraham Lincoln’s mother, Nancy Hanks. It contains a toxic alcohol known as trematol. While you can die by eating the plant, this plant’s poison is so far reaching you can get sick and potentially die just by drinking milk from a cow that munched on it. But don’t worry, today’s farmers ensure that White Snake Root doesn’t grow in today’s grazing pastures.

2. Deadly Nightshade (Atropa Belladonna)
Copyright: NC State University,

As if the name was enough of an indicator, it was deadly nightshade that Macbeth’s soldiers used to poison the the invading Dance. Deadly Nightshade has a sweet taste but is lethal to consumption due to atropine and scopolamine in its foliage and roots. Even if you simply brush against Deadly Nightshade, skin irritation can occur. You can find this plant lurking about Central and Southern Eurasia.  

3. Poison Hemlock (Conium Maculatum)
Copyright: Ohio University,

Deadly Nightshade wasn’t the only infamous plant in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Poison Hemlock was the nasty monster that killed Macbeth. Poison Hemlock can be found across the United States. It’s toxic compounds are coniine, piperidine alkaloids and g-coniceine.

Want to learn more about deadly plants? Check out this YouTube video by BEYOND SCIENCE called “6 Truly Terrifying Plants You Wish Didn’t Exist”.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Fall Planting Tips

You may think the only season for growing flowers is spring, but think again! With the hot summer months starting to fade away, fall is an excellent time of year to think about planting flowers, trees and shrubs.
Why Fall?
At times, the benefits of planting in the fall outweigh those in the spring. For example, while the soil temperatures are still warm, the cool weather is more tolerable for plants. Fall also experiences on average, less rain than spring. Furthermore, pests and diseases are less prevalent in the fall.
What should you plant?
Whether you are planting bulbs in preparation for spring flowers, or installing a row of mums, there are many types of flowers, trees and shrubs that can flourish during the fall planting season. Here are three flowers, trees and shrubs that you should consider planting.
Hostas - Hostas come in a variety of colors and can bloom anytime from June to October.
Peonies - These beautiful plants don’t need a ton of TLC. Plant them in the fall so they are ready for spring!
Bulbs -  Consider grabbing several different types of bulbs and planting them this fall. Daffodils and Tulips are personal favorites.
Care for your investment
As you put time and effort into purchasing and installing flowers, trees and shrubs this fall, consider safeguarding your investment with a tree and shrub or flower health care program. A plant health care program for trees and shrubs or flowers consists of providing optimal fertilizers, plant probiotics as well as disease and insect care. For more information on Vivid Lawn's tree and shrub or flower care program, visit:

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Make A Stand!

Nestled in the Gulf of Mexico lurks the world’s largest dead zone. This biological desert spans 7,500 to 8,500 square feet of water and shifts in shape and size depending on the season.
A dead zone is an area in the water that is so void of oxygen, marine life can’t exist. It’s a condition caused but the irresponsible use of fertilizers which run off into our streams and eventually end up in our lakes, bays and oceans.
According to an estimate made by the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, there are 400+ dead zones worldwide.
Vivid Lawn makes a stand!
To protect our local waterways, Vivid Lawn is taking a stand and promoting more sustainable and responsible use of fertilizers.
Vivid Lawn uses 100% organic plant probiotics that boost efficiencies of fertilizers and pesticides, allowing Vivid Lawn to reduce their use by 50% while still providing the greenest lawn on the block.
How can you help?
  1. Shop smart!
By choosing to incorporate sustainable practices into your lawn care maintenance ritual, or by purchasing lawn care services from companies using organic products, you can help limit the amount of fertilizers that run off into our local waterways.
  1. Apply smart!
When using a fertilizer, read the label. You may think adding extra fertilizer will be good for the plant, but it’s not needed and will just run off into our waterways. Also, ensure that you (or your lawn care company!) are NOT applying fertilizers on roads or near waterways as this could lead to an increase in fertilizer run off.
  1. Build a strong, web-like root system
Building a strong, web-like root system will help the plant capture nutrients contained in fertilizers before they run off into waterways. Consider an aeration and overseeding treatment or using a plant probiotics to build strong roots.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

3 Signs You May Need Aeration

One of the best things you can do for your lawn, is to commit to either a DIY aeration and overseeding service or signing up for one with a local lawn care company. Aeration and overseeding breaks down compaction and promotes strong turf root development.

Strong roots mean plants can increase stress tolerance when it comes to weather and disease. It also helps the plant search for food and moisture deep in the soil.

But, does your lawn REALLY need an aeration and overseeding service? Here are three sure signs that you should consider aerating and overseeding this fall.

1. Bare Spots
Does your lawn have bare spots the size of a tennis ball or larger? If so, aeration will increase the soil health of those areas while seeding will help the lawn fill in ugly gaps.

2. Water runs off from rain or irrigation
This is a sure sign of soil compaction. Loosening up the soil will help it take up water more easily and deliver water to the roots of your lawn.

3. Brown lawn in the summer
Does your lawn brown easily in the summer? Conducting an aeration application will build up plant tolerance during weather stress, like droughts.

Have additional questions? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Contact VividLawn for additional information on aeration and overseeding services.